Welcome to Smoky Mountain Event Center

Facility Rental Contract


Facility Rental Contract

Please check the calendar of events (button above) for facility availability, then complete the form below.

Or print and mail this contract to:
Smoky Mountain Event Center, 758 Crabtree Road, Waynesville, NC 28785.

Event Center staff will review your request and contact you with the amount of deposit and options for payment of deposit to finalize your reservation for facilities use.

  • Your event will get free advertisement on our website at www.smokymountaineventcenter.org
  • Date(s) of Event

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Time of Event

  • :
  • :
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 5000.
  • If emergency services personnel/apparatus are required, at least 2 weeks’ notice must be given. Call 828-400-1704 for assistance with your needs.
  • I certify that I am authorized to act for the organization/group/individual listed on the attached Reservation form. The organization/group/individual understands that approval of the use of the Smoky Mountain Event Center in no way constitutes or signifies the SMEC, Inc. board or Haywood County government sponsorship of the activity or function conducted by this organization/group/individual, and that this organization/group/individual will be responsible for adhering to the SMEC, Inc. rules and regulations. Rules for the use of the property are subject to change at any time without prior notice. I shall defend, save harmless and indemnify the Smoky Mountain Event Center, Inc. and the Haywood County Government against any tort, liability, claim, demand or other legal action, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of an alleged act or omission occurring in the use of the Smoky Mountain Event Center. I further certify that I have been provided with a copy of the Rules and Regulations for use of the Smoky Mountain Event Center and agree to abide by same.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    1. The applicant of the facilities and grounds hereby agrees to save and hold harmless the Smoky Mountain Event Center Inc. Board and Haywood County Government from any and all claims for damage to person or property that may arise from the use of the facilities and equipment, without regard to whether the damage, personal or otherwise, is brought about or caused by the negligence of the user, the Smoky Mountain Event Center, Inc. Board, or any person, organization, firm, or corporation.

    2. The applicant agrees to leave all facilities and grounds clean. All trash must be placed in appropriate outdoor receptacles. (The designation of ‘clean’ is at the discretion of the SMEC, Inc. Board.) Rental Deposit may be withheld in whole or in part to account for cleanup not done by the rental applicant.

    3. The applicant is responsible for and agrees to pay for and all damages to the facilities and its property. Rental Deposit may be withheld in whole or in part to account for damages.

    4. Kitchen and Concession Stand Facilities do not include the use of small appliances, serving utensils, etc. Please plan to bring your own equipment as necessary.

    5. The applicant must provide written proof of liability insurance with a minimum of 1 million dollars coverage for the entire rental period at least 30 business days prior to the scheduled event.

    6. Non-profit applicants must provide written proof of non-profit status before being eligible to receive the non-profit rate.

    7. A properly executed rental contract must be submitted, along with full deposit according to the fee schedule, at the time of submission of the contract. Any cancellation by the contractee less than 30 days prior to the planned event will result in a non-refundable deposit. After a post-event walkthrough has occurred and it has been determined that no damage or excessive clean -up will be required, all or a portion of the rental deposit shall be returned by company check upon receipt, deposit, and clearing of rental income to the SMEC company account. Rental deposits may not be carried forward for future events.

    8. No alcoholic beverages unless the proper application and permits have been submitted to and approved by the Manager at least 30 calendar days prior to any event that plans to serve alcoholic beverages.

    No narcotics or other controlled substances shall be brought or consumed on the Smoky Mountain Event Center, Inc. property.

    9. Users are expected to be aware of and to obey all other appropriate and applicable laws concerning public conduct and safety during their use of the HCF, Inc. property.

    10 . HCF, Inc. board members, county officials, or designated representatives of either shall have fee access at all times.

    11 . Contractees are responsible for providing sufficient security for their event. If security personnel is required, payment and/or compensation shall be the responsibility of the contractee. Security personnel must provide access to the facilities as necessary to any SMEC volunteer or worker. Contact number (cell phone #) for security personnel must be on file with the SMEC Manager. This contact information shall be shared with any SMEC personnel who may be associated with the event for which security is provided.

    12 . Payment in full shall be made at least 5 business days before the scheduled event. Failure to make payment 5 or more business days prior to the scheduled event is grounds for forfeiture of deposit and cancellation of the event.

    13 . Violation of facility use rules or non-payment may result in expulsion with denial of future rental privileges. All rules and regulations are subject to the interpretation of and enforcement by the SMEC, Inc. Board.

    14 . Facilities checklists are to be turned in to the Manager within 48 hours after the close of the scheduled event.

  • - ALL RENTALS (except for Richland Creek Meadows) include Restrooms, Chairs and Tables as noted on the Fee Schedule. - Educational Clinics Receive a 25% discount on all facility fees if fundraising is not involved. - To receive the non-profit fee, verification of non-profit status is required. - Return Check Fee: $35.00 - SMEC does not offer storage for client equipment and/or supplies, either before or after a scheduled event. SMEC accepts no liability for loss or damage to such equipment/supplies. Materials/equipment left on SMEC property becomes the property of the SMEC after 14 days and may be disposed of as appropriate.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.